Top 10 Bicycle Accessories of 2021


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If in this era of pollution, pandemic, and panic, you aren’t already a bicycle person, it’s high time you convert into one! Bicycles are slowly becoming people’s preferred means of transportation. People are ditching the fossil fuel consuming and air pollution causing automobiles for the more eco-friendly option of bikes! Not only are bicycles a boon to the environment, but they also promote good health and ensure we get our daily dose of physical exercise done. In fact, you can even upgrade and amp up your bicycle with some fun and functional accessories! From an AI-enabled bicycle helmet with spatial awareness to a multi-functional bike lock that doubles up as a taillight and tire inflator  – these accessories are the perfect sidekicks to your bicycle!

1. reTyre

“You’re used to changing your shoes and jacket to match the location or weather. Why shouldn’t you be able to do the same with your bike?” reTyre’s zippable tire-tread system gives your city bicycle the versatility to work off the road too. A simple zipping mechanism allows you to add a secondary, tougher tread on your tires, letting you go from riding on smooth asphalt to traversing through tough terrain. No matter the speed, the distance, or the condition, reTyre’s selection of treads make it the only set of wheels your bicycle needs… and in turn making your bicycle the only bicycle you’ll need too. reTyre’s special bicycle tire comes with a zipper lining and a selection of treads or skins that you can clad on your existing tire. The original tire works great on asphalt, and the wide variety of skins allows you to ride your bicycle on mud, gravel, rocks, or even snow.

2. Envoy Helmet

Armed with two features that make bicycling much safer, Marco Filipic’s Envoy Helmet design for the YD x KeyShot Design Challenge takes on both preventive as well as protective measures to safeguard the rider. To ensure that the rider avoids accidents in the first place, the helmet comes with a fold-out rear-view heads-up mirror that lets them see potential vehicles approaching from the rear, while in the unfortunate event of an accident, the helmet has its own auto-deploying airbag that protects the neck and upper spine when the rider falls.

3. The Berlin Bicycle Rack

The Berlin Bicycle Rack is not only is a stunning, Nordic-inspired bicycle rack, but also a storage system for other household possessions; the Birchwood assembly lends itself to the storage of magazines, bicycle accessories, books, and office items. The hand-finished, contemporary design allows for the Berlin Bicycle Rack to be introduced into a wide variety of interior décors and to be seamlessly integrated into space. And, if you’re a bike lover like me, it’s also a great reason to keep your bike in the house!

4. Omnilock

Omnilock multifunctional Bike Lock is a unique bicycle accessory that performs double duty as a bright taillight and tire inflator as well. This multiple utility of the accessory means – the rider has less to worry about – if he/she is an avid bicycle user. Someone who likes to pedal to the mountains or spend a whole lot of time going for extended bike runs in the morning for fitness. Safety is another important thing that the bike lock addresses as the taillight adds another layer of visibility for motorists to take note of when on the go. That means the bike lock sits right under the saddle when in commute, and when you need to park it, simply take out Omnilock and lock the rear wheel.

5. Garmin Bicycle Computer

This Garmin bicycle computer takes a detour from the design language for the brand’s current line-up of Edge GPS bike computers for bicycle riders. Industrial designer WuShuai has thought of a refreshing design for the next Garmin computer for your ride to next get stranded on any hiking trail. His design has a more contoured aspect to it, the convex display is a telltale indicator of the fact. Being a bike enthusiast himself, Wu wanted to create a softer design language for a future Garmin Edge product. However he himself admits that the screen is more susceptible to breakage in this new form if there is an accidental fall. That’s a story for another day if this design is referenced by Garmin for consideration.

6. The Lingmou

Meet the Lingmou intelligent portable air pump designed by Yifanzi J for awkward situations on unknown roads. Keeping in mind that motorists need to keep a check on their vehicle’s air pressure levels in all the tires, the portable air pump is a must-have without any questions. Tire bursts on freeways account for accidents, and no one wants to jeopardize their, as well as other motorist’s lives, do they? This proposed concept design is meant for Generation Z who like things as simple and time-saving as possible – not to forget the styling quotient.

7. NASA-inspired Airless Bike Tires

No one wants a flat tire while mowing the lawn or playing golf and the chance for a flat tire is far higher in places like construction zones and building demolition sites. It makes sense that some vehicles prioritize airless tires and some don’t, but what about bicycles? The Q, popular science and DIY YouTube channel, asked the same question and looked no further than an old PVC pipe and some nuts and bolts to answer it. Before constructing his airless tires, The Q was sure to pick a PVC pipe that had enough density to support a rider and ride well on different terrain. Settling on a ½” thick PVC pipe, The Q then sliced the PVC pipe into two-inch wide rings. From there, the DIY YouTuber connected all of the rings into a single link after drilling three holes into each and joining them together with nuts and bolts

8. RainRider’s Cover

RainRider’s soft-top cover was designed to attach to e-bike and road bike handlebars to protect cyclists and their bikes from rainy weather conditions and reduce CO2 gas emissions by keeping cyclists on the road even in the rain. Whenever the rain comes, cyclists can simply strap the soft-top cover onto their handlebars and fork tubes and ride as usual. RainRider’s cover follows the steering of the bike and its streamlined design makes it less sensitive to crosswinds that might blow through rainstorms. Like an umbrella for your bike, the RainRider’s soft-top cover is designed with an aerodynamic shape to keep rides speedy and safe even on rainy days. Lightweight by design, the soft-top cover from RainRider only weighs 1.5kg and can fold down into a backpack when not in use for easy storage and portability.

9. Tree Trailer

Talk about a treehouse and the first thing that comes to mind is a wooden structure erected around a solid tree. Then shift your thought towards a camper that is towed behind a vehicle. Combine these both in their smallest form possible and you get this portable treehouse. The unique creation christened Tree Trailer by Henry K. Wein, a design student at the Design Academy Eindhoven, is a house on wheels like none other. The one-man treehouse can be towed behind a bicycle or a motorcycle, and when the time comes to set camp, simply mount it on a solid tree branch with the trunk acting as the other support. When mounted to a tree, it makes me think about the idea of vertical camping – wherein tents are pitched hanging from vertical cliffs!

10. The savAR Helmet

More than 700 cyclists are killed every year by other motorists in the U.S. alone, and the graph hasn’t seen any significant drop in the last few years. Thinkable Studio wants to curb this with an innovative helmet design that equips cyclists with their own set of spatial awareness tech to avoid accidents. Called the savAR helmet, this piece of bicycle accessory is loaded with augmented reality and artificial intelligence components to naïve the traditional helmet protection methods. The ever-evolving smart software of the helmet and the AR waveguide technology enhances the rider’s awareness of the crowded streets and other motorists nearby by quite a few notches.

The post Top 10 Bicycle Accessories of 2021 first appeared on Yanko Design.

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